365 Days of Fear: Days 47 and 48

So, for as well as I did with keeping (kind of) up to date with posts this weekend this week really caught up with me. Tuesdays always catch me off guard: so much to do, so little time. But, luckily, because of the fear I faced today I was able to make up for that lost time.

Day 47

I actually did something pretty scary on Tuesday. I accepted a job as a camp counselor this summer at Good Earth Village–a camp I attended for ten summers myself. I was thrilled to get the position, but apprehensive because it meant leaving my family for the majority of my summer. Luckily, I have one month with them before I leave for my second year of college (how the heck am I already thinking about my sophomore year of college?! I feel like I just started my first year…) so that does make up for some lost time.

But I figured that because it scared me to be doing something so new to me, that it would be well worth it, and that I should say yes. Even thought it meant losing all my “catching up” time with people from high school, I felt as though if I turned down this opportunity I would seriously regret it.

So, here’s hoping that I absolutely love it. But who are we kidding, I used to pack for camp a month in advance I loved Good Earth Village so much. I am going to absolutely love every second of being a camp counselor.

Day 48

Today I did something I have never done in my life: I straight up skipped class. Because college is so expensive being tired or even sick never seemed like a good enough reason to not show up to class.

But today was the Day Without Women protest and I thought “hey, this is the perfect day to skip class” because honestly I’ve always wanted to do it, but now I felt as though I had a legitimate excuse.

And boy did I enjoy my day without class or work. I slept until 11 and caught up on homework. I should skip class more often 😉

(Mom, if you’re reading this, I’m completely joking. I promise I’ll be in my 8am tomorrow)

48 days down, 317 days to go!

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